The Weisenheimers are a “short-form” or “game style” improv group that has been performing around the Heartland for more than 15 years. Our fast-paced, high-energy shows have been the highlight of hundreds of conferences, seminars, conventions and corporate events. Our comedy consulting classes have helped ConAgra’s leaders, the Omaha World Herald’s sales team and Mutual of Omaha’s training force, among others.

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Weisenheimer workshops are ideal for any size company or department and focus on the use of improv to develop greater communication techniques, improve cooperation skills and enhance the ability to adapt and be agile in any situation. We accomplish this with easy to learn, easy to do improv games that the “improvisers” who attend our workshops can take back to their workplaces and share with their teams. Creativity and enthusiasm are created as a natural byproduct of the business of improv.
The Weisenheimers’ “YES AND…” approach will help your team get past the “inner critic.” Improv creates an aura of free thought that allows participants to listen to their instincts and inner wisdom.
Weisenheimer workshops help your team develop:
- Better communication
- Active listening
- Creative problem solving
- Positive teamwork and cooperation
- Innovation and creative messaging
The ability to work through ambiguity is essential in today’s markets. At a Weisenheimer workshop, your team will build on the foundations of the “YES AND…” philosophy to learn how to adapt to any challenges with innovation and enthusiasm. Our simple, yet powerful, improv games illustrate how any team, working together building on each other’s strengths, can turn challenges into opportunities.
Read more about improv in the Workplace: Here and Here
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call 402.319.6454 or email Workshops.