Articles tagged with: Melissa
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Cullen, Melissa, Theresa and some guy come to Monty’s party and there is butter everywhere.
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Cullen Chollett, Monty Eich, Melissa Saunders and Theresa Sindelar improv a scene of marital bliss in the shadow of the pyramids in this improv game from Omaha’s Comedy Group the Weisenheimers. recorded during their comedy show in Omaha.
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Monty Eich and Melissa Saunders “review” a movie acted out by Emma Stone (Cullen Chollett) and Brad Pitt (Theresa Sindelar) in this improv a scene from Omaha’s Comedy Group the Weisenheimers. recorded during their comedy show in Omaha.
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The Weisenehimers Comedy Group from Omaha improvs the World’s Worst
Featuring Monty Eich, Theresa Sindelar, Cullen CHollett and Melissa Saunders.